The Pilgrimage fka VOBS

Is anyone planning to attend the event formerly known as Vermont Overland Birdwatching Safari this year?

I ended up having to sell my ticket in 2019, which would have been my first time there. Last year I was out west. I know Peter's no longer involved, but the renamed event is taking place the 23rd through 26th of this month.
It was in my calendar from the moment it was official.
But family stuff in SC has kept me away from home and wheeling for many weeks since June. I took it off my calendar simply to have some time at home in September and to stay fit during High School Soccer season.
I'm signed up for it but it's going to depend if I can finish an engine install on my 110 in the next 2 weeks. It was going ok but between supply issues and storm Ida loosing some packages I'll be lucky. Last time I did it was in 2019 and it was a great experience. Fingers crossed!
I understand in the past there has been some training for novices (like me) available. It's not clear if that's the case this year, given change in management, Covid, new venue, etc. We'll see. Still planning to go up; hope to put a few faces with the avatars.

@donb good luck with the install. We can compare R2.8 set ups if you make it!
I understand in the past there has been some training for novices (like me) available. It's not clear if that's the case this year, given change in management, Covid, new venue, etc. We'll see. Still planning to go up; hope to put a few faces with the avatars.

@donb good luck with the install. We can compare R2.8 set ups if you make it!

Take a peak at the Facebook page. Lots of videos with Derek going over many aspects of this years event. Lots of of intro trail riding will be done by Derek and others.