Ignition barrel: diagram?

My ignition barrel assembly was sticking some time ago (many years ago). I took it apart, did whatever to fix it.
did it again recently and I took it apart again. Now, this time I did not pay enough attention and I’m left with a single metal ball and I can’t figure out where it’s supposed to go. I have verified that this all works fine without the ball, but… it probably has a purpose!
Anyone has one disassembled or ready for disassembly or a diagram that shows the internals to share with me?


Technical Excellence Contributor
If I recall correctly, the ball is for the indents to "hold" it in place in the different positions. I'll see if I have any photos from the last one I modified to hold the halves together.
If I recall correctly, the ball is for the indents to "hold" it in place in the different positions. I'll see if I have any photos from the last one I modified to hold the halves together.
I left the ball out for now. But if you have any picture for how it is supposed to be, I’d appreciate it! :)


Technical Excellence Contributor
I looked through my archives and didn’t see them— honestly too many photos…take A photo of the parts and I should be able to identify it pretty easily.